Infrastructure measurements on the Danish network.

iPAVe: The Danish Road Directorate


The Danish Road Directorate (DRD) plans, constructs and maintains the Danish national roads. This is inclusive of motorways, dual carriageways, a large part of the regional roads and many of the bridges across the country, totalling 3,800 kilometres.

The first Traffic Speed Deflection measurement was undertaken on the Danish state roads by the Danish Road Directorate in 2007, operating the very first TSD in the world. Realizing that investing in a replacement for the existing one was not a viable solution, in 2022 DRD decided to outsource the collection of bearing capacity information, through a public tender.

Through a tendering process for deflection measurements, in accordance with regulation and legal acts within the European Union, ARRB Systems was successful in being awarded the contract, which will see the collection of deflection measurements using the iPAVe, on a total of 7,700 lane km of state roads over 2023 and 2024.

The thorough survey of national roads in Denmark provides detailed insights into the state roads’ bearing capacity. This critical data is added to the DRD’s Asset Management System, setting up a well-organized evaluation process. This integration ensures an open and impartial assessment of the survey’s findings.

This systematic approach offers a solid and provable foundation for measuring the benefits gained from the data collection. It underscores DRD’s commitment to maintaining road quality and safety and adopting new methods and technologies for data gathering.

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